An Analysis of the Expedited Examination Pilot Process
The pilot demonstrated that reducing case processing times and incarceration exposure for individuals with mental health needs requires focus on courts in identifying the need for such evaluations and defense bars in advocating for their clients.
In New York City, psychiatric evaluation court clinics conduct court-ordered psychiatric examinations of criminally charged individuals to measure their mental fitness to proceed in trials, or what is known as “competency to stand trial.”
This report by the NYC Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice provides an analysis of an expedited examination pilot process for court-ordered evaluations related to competency to stand trial at the Queens Forensic Psychiatric Evaluation Court Clinic (FPECC). Analysis of Correctional Health Services, incarceration, and NYC court data showed that 82.5% of all examinations conducted during the pilot period 85.6% of those associated with felony cases and 77.1% of those associated with misdemeanors were successfully completed within their respective target timeframes.