Making criminal justice system data available to all New Yorkers
Regularly updated data showing statistical details and trends at every point in the City’s criminal justice system. Additional data analyses and data sources help provide context for criminal justice policy at every level of government.
Summary Data Files
Crime: Includes key monthly totals with a highlight on shooting incidents, as well as crime complaints by borough and major crime data going back to 1993.
Arrests / Enforcement: Includes key monthly totals with a highlight on gun arrests, as well as arrest data by borough and by race and historic arrest data going back to 1993.
Arraignment: Includes monthly totals by arraignment category with a focus on weapons arraignments, as well as arraignments by borough and historical arraignment data going back to 1993.
Jail: Includes monthly totals of jail population by borough and race, as well as discharge details and historical arraignment data going back to 1993.
Rearrest/Recidivism: Includes historical data on rearrest and recidivism rates within a year, with a highlight on violent felony offense and gun possession charges going back to 2009.
Racial disparities: Includes key monthly totals with a highlight on the arrest and arraignment rates for black and Latinx individuals relative to the arrest and arraignment rates for white individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Data Analysis
A review of the numerous factors that led to an increase in the City’s jail population. (12/2020)
• EXPLAINER: What’s behind the jail population increase?
• Source data used in jail population explainer.
An examination of the justice system’s role in the increase in the City’s jail population. (10/2021)
• EXPLAINER: What’s the justice system’s role in driving the jail population up?
• Source data used in the justice system jail population explainer.
A look at the statistics related to re-arrest rates for people with an active criminal case against them. (12/2021)
• EXPLAINER: How many people with open cases are re-arrested?
• Source data used in the open case re-arrest explainer.
• EXPLAINER: How many people were rearrested within a year?
• Source data used in the yearly re-arrest explainer.
• New York City’s Data Analytic Recidivism Tool (DART)
External Data Links
New York Police Department (NYPD)
• NYPD Regular crime reporting
• COMPSTAT 2.0 Current crime data
• Open Data Current and historical crime complaints, arrests, summonses
Criminal Justice Agency (CJA)
• Case Analysis Tool Explore data on prosecuted cases
Department of Correction (DOC)
• Regular reporting DOC at a Glance, Population Reports, Recidivism (under “Annual Reports on Mentally Ill Incarcerated Individuals and Recidivism”)
• Open Data
– Daily Population in Custody
– Monthly Admissions
– Monthly Discharges
• Flash Indicators Juvenile Justice system numbers
• Historical public safety data, including arrests
Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS)
• Criminal justice statistics compiled and reported by the state Division of Criminal Justice Services
Board of Correction (BOC)
• Board of Correction reports, including COVID monitoring
Data Analytic Recidivism Tool (DART)
• Explore recidivism rates across different groups of defendants
• Range of social, health, criminal justice, and economic data by community district
NYC Community Health Profiles
• Profiles of the 59 community districts across NYC