Post-Incarceration Community-Based Transitional Services
The New York City Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice (MOCJ) advises the Mayor on criminal justice policy and is the Mayor’s representative to the courts, district attorneys, defenders, and state criminal justice agencies, among others. MOCJ designs, deploys, and evaluates citywide strategies to promote safety, reduce unnecessary arrests and incarceration, and improve fairness. MOCJ works with law enforcement, city agencies, not-for-profits, foundations, the public, and others to implement effective strategies that address current crime conditions, prevent unnecessary incarceration, and build strong neighborhoods that ensure enduring safety.
Learning from the experiences of justice-involved individuals, nonprofit service provider organizations, and city agencies, this solicitation represents the next step of a coordinated focus by both the Department of Correction (DOC) and MOCJ to ease the transition from incarceration to life in the community and to reduce recidivism. Specifically, MOCJ and DOC are releasing two RFPs to enhance and connect services inside and outside jail. These RFPs build on past work and promote a more robust and individualized service model that will assess and prioritize individuals’ risks, needs, and interests in determining in-custody programming, enhance the role of formerly justice-involved individuals to help clients navigate services, and provide a comprehensive array of supports in the community to increase stabilization and decrease the likelihood of continued criminal justice system involvement.
MOCJ is issuing this RFP to procure hybrid in-custody/in-community and comprehensive post-release services that will connect individuals leaving jail with mentors to help engage them in services upon release, connect individuals to longer-term comprehensive services, and provide ongoing support in the community. While the two RFPs will be administered separately, MOCJ and DOC will continue to partner through the Municipal Division of Transitional Services Council to form a coordinated, comprehensive continuum of service delivery and care for individuals as they enter, stay, and leave jail.
View the Procurement Summary.
Agency Email Contact: [email protected]
Concept Paper Link here. Learn more about HHS Accelerator Procurements here.
Helpful Information
In the event that partnerships have not already been established, MOCJ will be hosting a networking event for all prospective vendors to discuss options for partnering with one another under this RFP.
It will be held on Monday, October 21st, from 1PM to 5PM at 1 Centre Street in the Mezzanine.
Attendance is optional. Please note, that this will in no way influence the evaluation or consideration of proposals submitted.