Crisis Management System – Remaining Providers Assignment

In accordance with Section 3-04(b)(2)(i)(D)and Section 3-04(b)(2)(ii) of the Procurement Policy Board rules, the Mayor`s Office of Criminal Justice intends to enter into a Negotiated Acquisition with Good Shepherd Service; Jewish Community Council; Getting Out Staying Out; Jacob Riis Housing Settlement; Center for Court Innovation; Staten Island Mental Health Society; Safe Space (”Rock Safe Streets”); CAMBA; and Harlem Mother SAVE to provide immediate and coordinated response to gun violence that aids in victim and community recovery while preventing future violence through the City`s Gun Violence Crisis Management System, and utilizing the Cure Violence model associated with the Crisis Management System. The anticipated start date of the contract is July 1, 2017 with an estimated contract term of two (2) years. Learm more about the Crisis Management System.

Vendors interested in participating in similar procurements in the future may contact [email protected].